Before the Changi Naval Base tour at the Expo's IMDEX Asia 2009 exhibition with my colleagues...It was an exhibition with many visitors in their white sailor uniform as the focus was on marine military. We registered ourselves for the warship tour and waited 30 minutes for the next shuttle bus leaving Expo as the bus was full.

At the Changi Naval Base's warship tour...before we started exploring the warship. Due to security reasons, we have to take two shuttle buses before we could enter. It was really hot; we were sweating and trying to shade our eyes with whatever brochures we have from the exhibition. Luckily, the air-conditioners in the ships were on full blast, so I managed to cool down at some point. We wanted to visit the largest warship, but it was closed due to maintenance.

It is really not easy to work on board. The steps are very steep and the sleeping quarters are not very spacious...The lowest deck (I think it is their equipment and machine storage place) was really warm and stuffy. The people working on board the warships really deserve our respect.
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